The Protagonists

Nomads, their friends call them, many no longer bothering to learn their address as they relocate from one area to another. It's understandable. No need to worry about putting these two on your Christmas card lists.

After Jen and Jay got together in 1999, they moved around Canton, Akron, and Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, dodging delusional, violent drug-addled neighbors and apartments of varying levels of quality and utility. They threw awesome parties, they burned up the kitcshy local karaoke circuit, they did typical twenty-something type things. In the meantime, they got married, got master's degrees and attempted to start careers: Jay in teaching English as a second language at Kent State University and Jen in technology training and IT for various companies.

In 2007, Jay accepted a full-time faculty position at Bowling Green State University, and the Simons moved to a small college town surrounded by cornfields in Northwestern Ohio. Within a year, Jen got a position at Ford as an Instructional Systems Designer and Developer in Dearborn, Michigan, and they moved again to Southeastern Michigan, Jay now commuting to BGSU in a fuel efficient 2008 Honda Fit.

Other people buy houses, have kids, and settle down. The Simons get bored. It's now that time again, time to look around, weigh the options and plan their next move. Where will they end up? Stay tuned.

(photo: home for the holidays in Northeastern, Ohio)

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